Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Track & Field Championships *

Have you ever had a feeling that when you wore something around your neck you felt like a princess/prince? Have you ever had the feeling you would be going home without anything? Have you ever had the feeling you never had a chance of winning but surprisingly you do??? :O

Well thats how i felt! My first event was at 9-am and i did high jump and i was very tired so i only got to 1 meter 30. D= So i didn't get anything out of that but i got forth place in that but you get nothing.Then at 10:30 am i was in long jump and i jumped 3 meters 56. But this one girl jumped and got 4 meters 02 and so she took my place and got 3rd. Then i thought that in the 4 by 100m relay we wouldn't do well because GSIS and HKIS are like great and fast.. but surprisingly we were first place BUT then the HKIS girl was super fast and took first and then us and GSIS were fighting for second and because GSIS stuck their head out the finish line they got 2nd. But AT-LEAST we got third and a BRONZE MEDAL!!! =D
Later on....Our U-16 boys got a banner and our U-20 girls got a banner too! GO THEM!!!
ONE we are the LIONS
TWO a little bit louder
THREE i still cant hear you
FOUR more more more




Anonymous said...

woah. we really have almost exactly the same posts.
me> "have you ever been in love?"
you>"have you ever Have you ever had a feeling that when you wore something around your neck you felt like a princess/prince? Have you ever had the feeling you would be going home without anything? Have you ever had the feeling you never had a chance of winning but surprisingly you do???
o.o weird. lol, you say "suprisingly" alot.