Country Profile....Country Profile.....COUNTRY PROFILE...
Okay, So this is my second country profile...ever!
Surprisingly i like doing them!
My First country profile i did Italy.. i scored 92% on that=D YAY..ehhhemm sry
So now my second country profile I'm doing Brazil!
Im almost done haha!
im going to put photos of it up AFTER im done and probably when people start handing the project in... just some ...Problems if i upload them now ehhemm ... yep :D
i hope i do well on this...
i find it kind of scary when old men stare at you... *shivers*
Yep... The other day when, Sarah, Abi, and i were dancing this old man came to sit near us and was staring at us for SO long so i was like " hey guys lets move some where else .. the freak is staring at us..." so we were about to move to the other side when i saw like 6 old men there too... so yep.. we had to stay where there was only one old man.. ahaha
that old man better be happy :P
but i still hate it when they do that ... its just SICK... haha
we are going to dance tomorrow too and hopefully there wont be another old man there...hopefully..
CUT!!!!! <3
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