I'm sure many of you know people who are ridiculously addicted to things such as drugs, coke, television, computer, partying, others.
Its not a bad to to get addicted to certain things but it also isn't good to be addicted either.
Some girls may say they are addicted to shopping and you might be thinking ... well thats not bad.. they get new stuff but you have to look deeper into that.

Unfortunately when GIRLS are shopping they don't pay attention that much to the amount the thing they want to buy is but instead how much they want it. Now this is pretty offending to my self as it is to other girls but you know its true.
.............................................Now i have a neighbor who i think is addicted to drugs because they always come out around 11pm and started screaming ( Caucasians teens ) and then call a taxi and leave and come back around 4 am and start screaming again and then go back into their house. HAHA ...hmmm

Then there is me who i think a few people know I'm addicted to coke...
some may say... thats not so bad but yes it is. It can give you a ponch (belly)...so I'm freaking out but unfortunately i am still drinking 3 cans of coke everyday.... boooo...D:
Yours Truly ...Michelle
im a smilingADDICT; <3
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