Friday, July 17, 2009

Waited... Finally!!! Oh no...*

SO finally something good has happened to my emotional breakdown in my earlier posts wining about the stars and stuff.
Well its not that big for you! but its pretty big..(sorta) for me cause you have no idea what its like to keep asking a question again and again...and again and get no reply.
Like i said before, i get annoyed and sad about the simplest, smallest, dumbest things but i get over the big, bad, terrible things.
So Today i had attended Demi Lovatos live Webcast and i made another account (still Michelle Leung) so i dont end up spamming anyones walls cause everything you type on the live webcast goes on everyones home so... instead of hearing people wine about it.. i just made another account so my life doest disrupted their home page. :P
So I asked Demi a question "Whats the most embarrassing thing you've ever done" and she said "Falling on stage" and then David Archelta came on the Live webcast and it was all cool:D
Im going to Demi's concert next friday and David Archelta is going to be there! WOOT
ummm heres the video of the chat but i recommend just clicking this link because you can only see half the video box here:

Okay so im like really mad right now because i have to wake up at 4 am and leave the house at 5 am for a 10 hour drive to Niagara Falls. YAY FUN.. =.=
Well at least i'll have my jar of pickles.. That always makes my day better,
You see, i love sweet pickles but i hate pickles on Mc burgers.. ughh
Anyway i'll post up a video of the trip to Niagara falls! oh goshh... im not gna get sleep tonight. at the most maybe 2 hours.
WAIT that means i can sleep in the car! OH YEAH!! another awesome idea..Thank you Thank you..haha
Thank you very much.. uhahha (elvis)
yea... thats pretty much it-a.
Love you all :P
God bless