haha hii!!
just got back from ridding on my ripstik with the music turned on loud. ANYWAY!!! i was thinking about how school is starting like next Thursday and I''m going to be in HK on sunday i think i'd be sleeping in school... but then i remembered that there's this new guy coming and his dad looked ALOT like Chris's dad which makes me think the new guy (Conrad) will too... ( dont know how my mind works) but i remeber.. on the first day of high school... i turned around and saw Chris and everyone one was invisible like as if he and i were the only ones there.. then all of a sudden Sarah screams and then we are like
fighting "I SAW HIM FIRST" "NO I DID" ETC. ( i feel like im writing in a public diary) then i was thinking .. what if conrad isnt a nice guy.. maybe he's a jerk... anyway!! then all of a sudden i started thinking about other guys in my class and then looked at thin guy in a higher grade and i loved how he ... like he has style.. no in a gay way but instead of just wear a dumb baggy Tshirt and pants .. it just shows that the guy is lazy.. atleast wear a shirt and role up the sleeves to their elbow and maybe V-necks haha!!! but yea .. i totally find that attractive.. i mean everyone has their on taste.. some people find .. wearing baggy clothes and baseball cap attractive.. i do too but it is time for a change.. wow that sounds like shia Lab.. nvm
lets get a little bit more personal.... i had a crush on him... for like a few months.. then i stopped... dated another guy then realize the guy i was crushing before had a crush on... so i didnt want to just dump the guy i was dating for Chris... so Chris and I just hung out alot..(in a group ofcorse other wise i ended up having and Argument with me bf)thats when i realized things wearnt working out between us... Which is why i started taking pics with Chris... instead of me breaking up with him i made him break up with me.. haha!!! right when i posted the
pics up.. snap.. it was over!! Besides.. i hated his sister.. still do.. and always will.... I miss Chris alot!! He's a very close friends... and you cant say no to the guy!!! LOOK HOW PRETTY HE IT!!!HAHA oh and i remeber how Shona started taking pics with Chris ( one picture) and tagged me and im like .. why'd u tag me and she said YOU'RE JEALOUS!! and im like.. no im not.. and then there was this big fight.. then at Chris's fair-well party.. i gave Chris a Hug and my bf came and said.. "shes taken" and then hugged me haha thats when i got soo nervous.. thought another fight was coming. ughh
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Picky Much?!? *
Posted by Michelle* at 10:53 PM
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dude, how do you know there is a new guy coming to school? hahaha! i wonder if that guys HOT!! cant wait to see him. well, Michael... i love! i know right! guys in our grade sucks! just SUCKS! why do they not have style we are looking for? tsk tsk for them
dude, i was talking to Chris the other day, and i promise i will hug him to welcome him back. and i want you to hug him to. with me. k? btw, haha, im in ur HANG OUT GROUP!! HARHARHAR!! Shiloh get jealous so fast. lol
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