Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
School is Cool? *
haha :) so i just got back from the first day of G8. I can't say i love it.. ... lunch is longer..umm yea thats about it.
thats about it.. HAHA
im going to watch all new episode of Desperate Housewives.. my dad's got the whole series.. so im watching it all
the series where EDEE (Duno how to spell her name) dies.. okay
so i've like wat... 15 more episodes to go.. and hour for each episode. Yay!
Posted by Michelle* at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Time Flies *
So, School is starting tomorrow. I just got back from the States 2 nights ago... Hence I'm not too exhilarated about going to school. I'm still quite Jet-lagged ( Slept around 6pm-3am ). I was suppose to go for an exam yesterday to see if i have an opportunity to obtain Honors class but since i have had only 1 day to study, my dad was able to postpone my exam to next monday! I'm currently having to study Math Power eight for the exam. I haven't leant half of what's in the book so I'm pretty much learning everything in the book in a weeks time. Oh well.
-Im watching Little Britain and it's Hilarious.
-I had a nice cup of coffee this morning ( its true.. once you drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee... you will get addicted)
-I just finished 3 Scrapbook pages which took quite some time.
-Practicing my song on the guitar. Sounds pretty rough but i'm getting there. ( Grasp that i have had no experience before )
-Finally got everything unpacked from my luggage. ( i brought back two big suitcase's back from the States.. Literally weighs more then i do)
-Put on 10 pounds in the states, So it's kind of good school's starting.. I'll loose weight. (I remember last year i put on 10 pounds in the States again and i got back to Hong kong and a week later i went to Sarah's place and for some reason we were weighing ourselves and i had lost 10 pounds in 1 week. back to 80 pounds) but that was last year:"(
-Sarah don't worry.. my waist line.. same as yours.. :P PS: Best wishes to your mum and the baby!!!
-Abi, found your charger at my place :) I'll give it to you tomorrow
- Elly, Sorry i forgot to call you back but had an awesome time talking to you! missed it!
I think I'm going to scrapbook a little more, I've got 80 more photos to go. *sniff*
Posted by Michelle* at 4:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Doing nothing is very hard to do ... you never know when you're finished.*
Okay. Sorry about the last post. Went a bit over board with emo-ness... Oh who am i kidding.. Went WAY over board. :P
Anyway.. I was jamming with abi today at her place.. I put the song i wrote onto guitar and we were jamming together.. really fun. Right now.. i lost my guitar pic... so i cant strum with my fingers.. it hurts..soo.. yeah
anyway.. i wanted to post some pictures before i left Chicago but i wanted to go out then blog.. ( no offense to blogspot)
So i bought a few hair products... i've got more but it was all packed so here are some.. that wearnt packed yet..
and the night before i left , we went to Chille's for dinner and it was great! yea.. Portion of food was big..
i really enjoyed the food.. i had a.. Bacon burger ( which i could not finish) and Texas Cheese fries ( which again.. could not finish)
can you believe that this is Kristen!!!
eww.. haha. listen to this... Its Justin Bieber.. he's really good..he's 15. are the rest of the pictures..
but wait.. i just feel like writing about one of my major pet peeves.. i hate it when people talk about sizes of houses.. like..your house is so small or mine is biger etc.. it just bugs me! i get offended easily when people compare my house to somebody else..
anyway! here are the rest of the pictures..
Posted by Michelle* at 8:10 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
effing nightmare.*
okay.. so i landed in hk last night.. when i walked out of the air was so damn humid.. i was sticky!! DISCUSTING.
anyway... i got home and everything looked tiny... cause in america... everythings big.. so my house looked so small.. i miss america so i slept at like 7 pm last night.. jetlagged.. and woke up at like 4 am and now im just on the computer.. left out feeling..
today.. i have to spend my day effing studying for a dang math exam tomorrow..
when i grow up.. im definitely not living in hong kong..
i hate this country like hell
i cant help but cry everytime i think about america..
i rmb before i left my cousin gave me a kiss and told me come back next year.. i love you!
and then on the phone again
and... there's like nothing to watch on tv here. everytime i turn on the tv in the US theres something to watch.
i effing hate hong kong..
this is a pretty emo picture im going to post up but im in a pretty emo mood so ...yea
Posted by Michelle* at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hell's coming soon.*
So right now.. im kind of :/ about going to school. Im pretty happy because the people who said they're leaving arnt and now its awesome cause they're still here ( --> Sarah) <3 youu!
--> sarah! did you meet Erica and Tamara? They're in HK.
umm.. the only negative thing about school right now...waking up early in the morning and exams.
So now im just hoping im in the same class as Abi, Sarah, and... you know what.. EVERYONE!
... i dont know what to say about school... but...uhh..hmm
SENIORS!! going to be awesome! We pretty much know all of them...
last years SENIORS were awesome.. Fashionable..
This years SENIORS ...Sporty
iuno.. panicing ..
ok! Lets talk about Discovery Days..( sry.. i dont know what to say) umm
hoping to go out of the country.. maybe Philippines... Yeah... probably.. (If Philippines are one of the options..)
ughhh im SO SHORT! I remember in Grade 6 when Abi was like a whole head shorter then me and in G7 she just shot up! Same height..
Im sorry.. This post is so lifeless.
Sarah!! umm im not sure if im going to Bath & Body works before i leave but i'll try.. So all Vanilla right? (not sure if they have it but yeah.. i'll try! ) ps.. 1 bottle of lotion.. $80 hk :) not bad.. smells so good! so.. 1 hand cream...3 bottles of lotion.. and i forgot the last one.
love you!
Im going to miss 08-09's Seniors.. alot of us looked up to them for their.. style..( i think) This year .. its going to be different ( a good different) but... yeah
... This Post is pointless...
Posted by Michelle* at 11:07 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Picky Much?!? *
haha hii!!
just got back from ridding on my ripstik with the music turned on loud. ANYWAY!!! i was thinking about how school is starting like next Thursday and I''m going to be in HK on sunday i think i'd be sleeping in school... but then i remembered that there's this new guy coming and his dad looked ALOT like Chris's dad which makes me think the new guy (Conrad) will too... ( dont know how my mind works) but i remeber.. on the first day of high school... i turned around and saw Chris and everyone one was invisible like as if he and i were the only ones there.. then all of a sudden Sarah screams and then we are like
fighting "I SAW HIM FIRST" "NO I DID" ETC. ( i feel like im writing in a public diary) then i was thinking .. what if conrad isnt a nice guy.. maybe he's a jerk... anyway!! then all of a sudden i started thinking about other guys in my class and then looked at thin guy in a higher grade and i loved how he ... like he has style.. no in a gay way but instead of just wear a dumb baggy Tshirt and pants .. it just shows that the guy is lazy.. atleast wear a shirt and role up the sleeves to their elbow and maybe V-necks haha!!! but yea .. i totally find that attractive.. i mean everyone has their on taste.. some people find .. wearing baggy clothes and baseball cap attractive.. i do too but it is time for a change.. wow that sounds like shia Lab.. nvm
lets get a little bit more personal.... i had a crush on him... for like a few months.. then i stopped... dated another guy then realize the guy i was crushing before had a crush on... so i didnt want to just dump the guy i was dating for Chris... so Chris and I just hung out alot..(in a group ofcorse other wise i ended up having and Argument with me bf)thats when i realized things wearnt working out between us... Which is why i started taking pics with Chris... instead of me breaking up with him i made him break up with me.. haha!!! right when i posted the
pics up.. snap.. it was over!! Besides.. i hated his sister.. still do.. and always will.... I miss Chris alot!! He's a very close friends... and you cant say no to the guy!!! LOOK HOW PRETTY HE IT!!!HAHA oh and i remeber how Shona started taking pics with Chris ( one picture) and tagged me and im like .. why'd u tag me and she said YOU'RE JEALOUS!! and im like.. no im not.. and then there was this big fight.. then at Chris's fair-well party.. i gave Chris a Hug and my bf came and said.. "shes taken" and then hugged me haha thats when i got soo nervous.. thought another fight was coming. ughh
Posted by Michelle* at 10:53 PM 3 comments
Right when you think you're going to loose it all.. It gets better.*
Okay, So i went to SEARS yesterday and i was dying to get a Ripstik but they didnt have one and i dont exactly want to explain in detail the whole story but i'll tell you the gist of it. ok. Last year at the RCHK fair i wanted to get a Ripstik but i ended up not getting one and so my friend said she was going to get me one but she forgot
and its been a year and all of a sudden i remembered about the Ripstick (from reading Elly's blog) and dying for one again. So there was this whole commotion with my mum and i and then there was crying etc. I have my period now so i think im PMS-ing and i get
emotional. So after waiting for so long for a Ripstik i finally think im going to get one and ended up not getting one and break down and cry. ( its the period ) So today my aunt surprised me when we were going to pick up photo's from WALGREENS and
took me to Kmart and bought me a Ripstik!! haha so it was a bit hard to start riding it cause theres only 2 wheels but about 5 minutes later i took my Ripstik down to the basement and snap! i could ride it and it was so fun!! Anyway the day i didnt find the Ripstik at SEARS i bought UGG BOOTs instead haha!
Posted by Michelle* at 10:04 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
2fer Dress*
YAY:D i bought a 2fer dress today and its pretty cute :P i didn't want to get one that had like a whole load of designs on it yet because i want to see if i would want to continue wearing one, which i do, but i bought a plain one for starters. BUT! there were ones with cheetah prints, chexxxx, so many different styles! SO CUTE!
and i bought alot of things from Bath and body works..
Posted by Michelle* at 5:40 AM 1 comments
Labels: dresses
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Girl wants what she cant have until she gets it.
OKAY! so i convinced my aunt to let me continue shopping and so I'm going to DEB tomorrow to buy heels and a tank dress (2fer dress) haha! obsessed much! anyway. I was talking to Abi on the phone yesterday when she was in California and i miss her so much! I can't wait to see her her at school!
PS: This is pretty random but does anyone know whos my stalker?? it freaks me out.
Posted by Michelle* at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Trunk Show *
So today i went to Sears Holdings and had lunch there ... They had famous fashion Designers selling their clothes and i spoke to alot of them! They were getting sold out so many people had to go to a side table to order online..(For their size) but since I'm leaving in about a week and a half i just tried to find something that was my size.
Today we had alot of fun at the Headquarters! Here are the rest of the pictures..
PS: heres something i bought for my hair.. :P
Posted by Michelle* at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Past. Present. Future.*
I just watched the Teen Choice Awards and it was awesome. I enjoyed the Black eyed Peas performance on the surf boards, i was rooting for Selena Gomez! Selena won Female Actress of the year (or something like that). Twilight won like 11 awards.. Like always, Taylor Lautner looked SO hot.. :D
During the weekend, i went to Bloomington and visited some friends there. Went to Abraham Lincolns grave/tomb and his actual house (Not a replica). Everyone in his neighbor hood are dead so it was a bit creepy but c'mon.. Lincoln died 200 years ago.. What do you expect. :P
So i finally started playing the guitar for a while (3 days) at my friends place and im inlove with it! Now i have music to go with the song i wrote and it actually sounds pretty good. ( But really.. who's to judge) haha it was a very musical weekend.. :D there was violin...Piano...Guitar... ROCK BAND..
And we did go paddle boating which was SO TIRING because on our boat we didnt get two leg paddles.. we got one leg paddle and one arm paddle and well basically the leg paddle controls everything so only one person i using all their energy to move everyone so us kids took turns .. it was hilarious..
Well anyway.. My dad said he's going to get me a guitar when i get back and "MAYBE" and iphone 3GS ! ( Its funny.. its always this time of year every year.. i get a new phone) i currently have a touch phone.. "Samsung TouchWIZ" I HATE IT haha. then i had the iphone 3G then i gave it to my dad. haha
i was looking for this dress and i finally found out what it was called from reading Kristine's blog. : "2fer dress" i was going to get one few days ago but i ended up having an American Eagle shopping spree! haha. and i forgot. shhh and now my aunts are cautious with my money... i've spent too much. So i don't think i will be buying one even though i LOVE those dresses but i asked this girl called Gorgina and she said you can get it in HK so thats cool!
..that picture has nothing to do with this topic..well that was when i went to American eagle ..the shopping spree thing.
OKAY! now time for complaining! Im going to be leaving on the 22nd so im going to be in HK on the 23rd (AHH 16 hour flight) anyway! im so pissed because I'm really unpatient and well i really want to get the guitar and the iphone and my parents will be at work and so i wont be getting it before school starts which is just 3 days after i reach HK and then i wont have alot of time to use it and i would have to wait! THEN i freaking have to study for an exam because im one of the chosen students to be in Honors (I really dont want to be in honors) but yea.. Im so going to fail! Everyone else had like a month to study.. me.. 3 days. wow! OK.. thats pretty much it. sorry if there are spelling errors.. i honestly cant be bothered to fix it.
lots of love!
Posted by Michelle* at 10:29 AM 0 comments