Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Songs that touch you right the second you hear it *

Today in socials class Miss Westrate played a song called " Give me Your Eyes"

The second i hear it i loved it. It relaxes me and i can think through things with out being distracted.
Here you can listen to it.
...gotta study for 5 BIG tests. =(
btw i did BAD on my CE test :((((((
seriously gotta start studying like crazy
heres the song


Saturday, April 25, 2009

When someone or something important leaves... *

So today my dad took my dog, kobe to a dog school.. like somewhere close to China.. like Kewn tong...(not sure how to spell"). So he is going for a month but for one week now to see if he learns anything. If he does than he will stay for a month! Sadly, now when i go home from school i will be quite scared because he is not there and he guards the house and now there is no guard. :P

i really miss him and hope a month passes fast.
I can't wait to see him again =D

Yours Truly , Michelle

Sick of hearing the same voice *

Today, I went to RELOAD and it was pretty fun. We played quite a few games and one game we had to get a partner and my first partner was Lance and then Nancy and then Sarah and then Abigail. I was Pretty " zany " - Crazy, hyper, weird. yep. so when Nancy would ask me questions i could hardly reply with out laughing! Anyways. After RELOAD i ignored this guy and then when i got home there was this girl from reload to asked me if i know another youth group thats better then RELOAD and since i go to RELOAD i shouldn't say that there is but there are other youth groups but since i go to RELOAD i can't say its better then RELOAD. She said its because she tired of hearing our speaker speak because she has to listen to him fridays, saturdays, and sundays. She wants to hear what others have to say about God. =="

Yep so that was my day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Track & Field Championships *

Have you ever had a feeling that when you wore something around your neck you felt like a princess/prince? Have you ever had the feeling you would be going home without anything? Have you ever had the feeling you never had a chance of winning but surprisingly you do??? :O

Well thats how i felt! My first event was at 9-am and i did high jump and i was very tired so i only got to 1 meter 30. D= So i didn't get anything out of that but i got forth place in that but you get nothing.Then at 10:30 am i was in long jump and i jumped 3 meters 56. But this one girl jumped and got 4 meters 02 and so she took my place and got 3rd. Then i thought that in the 4 by 100m relay we wouldn't do well because GSIS and HKIS are like great and fast.. but surprisingly we were first place BUT then the HKIS girl was super fast and took first and then us and GSIS were fighting for second and because GSIS stuck their head out the finish line they got 2nd. But AT-LEAST we got third and a BRONZE MEDAL!!! =D
Later on....Our U-16 boys got a banner and our U-20 girls got a banner too! GO THEM!!!
ONE we are the LIONS
TWO a little bit louder
THREE i still cant hear you
FOUR more more more



Tuesday, April 21, 2009

School *

So i am back at school. Second day and tomorrow i get to skip a whole day of school for a track and field competition so yep =)

I'm in High jump, Long jump, 4 by 100m relay, maybe 1oom.
Good thing is that this year its all in different timings so i can actually do them all instead of missing one for a race =D
Well school isn't that bad but we have quite a few tests assigned already. Thursday we have a Math test and a Health test. Next week we have an English test and band test and yesterday we had a PE soccer written test == yep=D
whole load of studying! YAY! (being sarcastic for those who don't know when i am being sarcastic.) HAHA :P
I have to finish my work now==


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Addiction *

I'm sure many of you know people who are ridiculously addicted to things such as drugs, coke, television, computer, partying, others.

Its not a bad to to get addicted to certain things but it also isn't good to be addicted either. 
Some girls may say they are addicted to shopping and you might be thinking ... well thats not bad.. they get new stuff but you have to look deeper into that. 
Unfortunately when GIRLS are shopping they don't pay attention that much to the amount the thing they want to buy is but instead how much they want it. Now this is pretty offending to my self as it is to other girls but you know its true.  
Now i have a neighbor who i think is addicted to drugs because they always come out around 11pm and started screaming ( Caucasians teens ) and then call a taxi and leave and come back around 4 am and start screaming again and then go back into their house. HAHA ...hmmm 
Then there is me who i think a few people know I'm addicted to coke... 
some may say... thats not so bad but yes it is. It can give you a ponch (belly) I'm freaking out but unfortunately i am still drinking 3 cans of coke everyday.... boooo...D:

 Yours Truly ...Michelle


As you can see from the title I'm not a big fan of rain...

i don't like rain cause it gets SO humid (which i hate) and i get wet and it's harder to move around...:P
it makes me so lazy cause i don't want to go out when it rains cause it feels ikky ...
its just so " Baklah "
lol not sure how to spell it. XD
ok well


funny quote of the Day *

reason why this is funny is (look at who its written by ) :P ..... hhmmm  

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Funny quote of the Day *

Quote of the day *

Seventeen Again *

Seventeen Again

Its a movie that Stars Zac Efron !
It seems like a good movie but once again i am not craving to watch this movie.. and ONCE AGAIN i am not a big fan of Zac Efron because of his nudes too and once AGAIN i don't know why I'm talking about this because it has nothing to do with the movie "Seventeen Again"
It looks like a good movie and sound interesting..
Unfortunately, I'm not sure if its going to premier in Hong Kong or not.
Trailer looks pretty good and funny :D
Here, You can watch it :P


Hannah Montana Movie *


I was just checking out some profiles and i realized that The Hannah Montana Movie is coming out.. YAY? Ha-ha I'm not like craving to watch it but it would be nice to watch it... I am not really a fan of Miley Cyrus because of the nude things she does but this is a movie and its got nothing to do with that so i don't know why I'm even talking about that...XD 
Anywhos...Heres the trailer and its looks pretty good:D
Unfortunately i found out from a friend that its not going to premier in Hong Kong...
My Mums friends and my aunts and uncles from canada and USA would probably send it to me so lol thats okay then :DHAHA
Here, watch the trailer :D

Yours Truly ....Michelle :D
CUT!!! <3



I like school and everything it's just that i REALLY HATE waking up at 6am every morning!!
AHHHHH i just cant take it anymore!
And our Easter holiday was only 1 week where as many other schools had 2 weeks off. D:
Unfortunetly School is in 1 day and we have got many test comimg up.. i forgot about ALL the tests but when i read Sarah's blog she listed out all the test and everything and the worst bit is that i found out we are get ANOTHER report card AGAIN! WE JUST got our report card like recently and now another one!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH i am seriously freaking out because im not doing well in English H. and Social Studies ....
This is seriously killing me!
I cant wait till summer so i can SLEEP for once... D=
I am freaking my self out too much! Haha :P
Talk to ya'll some other time XD

CUT! <3

Friday, April 17, 2009

Candy Floss/Cotton Candy*


Thats all i can say about that...
The picture says the rest =)


Last RELOAD with Sarah LuAnne Anderson *


Yep... Sarah is leaving for USA .... 
Its great that she gets to live in USA but its SAD she has to leave ...:(
She is an awesome person and really fun! :D
i hope she comes back to hong kong to visit us =D it would be SO cool!
I'll Miss you Sarah ! 
Hope you have a great time in USA! 

CUT!!! <3

Shoes *

I know right!

SHOES! S-H-O-E-S! Ha-ha!
Okay, so here are my shoes..:P
Sadly my parents think i have too many shoes 
cause well I'm taking up a lot of space in the
 shoe cabinet so yep =) LOL
but here is a picture of my shoes i normally wear~


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Country Profile *

Country Profile....Country Profile.....COUNTRY PROFILE...

Okay, So this is my second country profile...ever!
Surprisingly i like doing them!
My First country profile i did Italy.. i scored 92% on that=D YAY..ehhhemm sry
So now my second country profile I'm doing Brazil!
Im almost done haha!
im going to put photos of it up AFTER im done and probably when people start handing the project in... just some ...Problems if i upload them now ehhemm ... yep :D
i hope i do well on this...
i find it kind of scary when old men stare at you... *shivers*
Yep... The other day when, Sarah, Abi, and i were dancing this old man came to sit near us and was staring at us for SO long so i was like " hey guys lets move some where else .. the freak is staring at us..." so we were about to move to the other side when i saw like 6 old men there too... so yep.. we had to stay where there was only one old man.. ahaha
that old man better be happy :P
but i still hate it when they do that ... its just SICK... haha
we are going to dance tomorrow too and hopefully there wont be another old man there...hopefully..


CUT!!!!! <3

Abigail Shurr *

Abigail Shurr is my best-friend. 

~ She is always there for me and i have NO IDEA how she puts up with me! :P
~ Once i was very scared to tell my parents about a test and i called her and she comforted me and stopped me from crying =D 
~ It would seriously kill me if she had to leave because I'm not close to any one else like i am to her...Writing this is ACTUALLY making me cry... oh my goodness...haha

A- Always there for me
B- Best friend ever
I-  interesting :P
G- grateful
A- agreeable
I-  intriguing 
L- Likable 

S-  sweet
H- honest
U- understanding
R- respectful-ish :P
R- really nice

She has been my best friend since Grade 4 and well.... i hope that even if she has to leave or anything we will always have contact with each other =D

You Rock abi! luv ya xoxo :D

CUT!!! <3

PhotoBooth *

Hey ya'll!
Well i took some funny pictures 
on photo booth and here
 are some=D

CUT !!!! <3

Accessories *

AHHH! Accessories! YAY! 

Yes, i know. Accessories! 
Ha-ha. Many people have their own opinions on Jewelry, Accessories, etc.
I love them! 
Today i was home all day, i know.... 1 word... BOR-ING. :P
So i decided to check out my accessories and i just realized that it is just a mess and i have lost so much from wearing them to school that i cant only find 1 earring and not its pair ... D:
So that really sucks because i have very little now... 
I also did my nails and stuff and now I'm writing this blog because i have nothing else to do but i don't mind doing this because its fun and it keeps me busy.. :D
But i don't have to worry about tomorrow for i am going dancing with my friends! YAY haha..
you might be thinking "Boy... this girl loves to dance..." and yes, i do love to dance but the reason why i am dancing so much this week is because there is a second au-
dition for the talent show so we need to practice aLOT! But its for fun and we don't mind if we make it or not..( i think) but as long as we have fun. =D

CUT! <3

Quote of the day *

Facebook *

I think that many of you have heard that facebook might be closing down D: 

Apparently they will be making a facebook where you have to download it onto you computer (i think)
What sucks is that i have all my pictures on facebook and not saved onto my laptop for more space and now i have to drag every picture to my desktop so i wont loose them.
I hope facebook wont close down..:D

CUT!!!!! <3

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Quote of the Day *

Swimming *

Sarah came to my house on monday ( April 13th 2008 ) and we went swimming and we were in freezing water but who cares.... we had fun! ...Well thats all i have to say.... D: but i'll have more next time :D


Favorite Quotes *


* If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up some place else. 

* What goes around, comes around

* Greetings.... Infidels....

* " HA " ..."Lelujah"

* Dont think about the past because it has already happened, don't think about the future for it        has not come, but think about the present for it is right now..

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped.

*I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio.

* I ain't sleeping. I'm just taking a good look at the insides of my eyelids

* Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them


Dance Rehearsal *

So dtoday (April 15th 2009) we had a dance rehearsal at Hang Hau and we practiced the dance to "Lip Gloss" by LIL MAMA .It was PRETTY tiring because ... well its quite hard but it was fun and i think we would be practicing again on Friday... its for the Talent Show so we need to practice real hard. 


CUT!!!!! <3

F.R.I.E.N.D.S *

F.R.I.E.N.D.S  is one of the best series i have ever seen because its just so funny and interesting! I have to say that my favorite character would be Phoebe or Joey because they make me laugh the most. Im quite sad that they arnt going to continue make F.R.I.E.N.D.S  anymore because it was a great show that lasted 10 years.. and i just wish it would last longer..i know this happened quite a while ago but oh well i had nothing else to talk about! 


CUT !!!! <3

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Health Project *

So Abi and I had to do a commercial in health class a long time ago and we came up with an i-skat which was a skateboard with a built in ipod touch that can resist water and bangs and what not! well I'm not going to say much because this video is going to do the talking.


CUT!! <3


We had camp a while ago but it was an awesome time! There was Happiness, Sadness, Excitment and and everything! We had a water fight/war and a lot of games! i loved spending time in the cabins because our room (Sarah, Margarita, Megan and I) Decorated it with posters and everything and it looked FABULOUS... Well anyway enough of me blabering :D heres a video =)


CUT!!!!! <3

Social Studies Presentation *


So we had a Social Studies Presentation the other day but i dont have much to say about that since i forgot what we were talking about :p but anywhos heres a video!

CUT!!! <3

Skype *


Hey guys! Well i have been using MSN for about 4 or 5 years... its pretty awesome but ever since i changed to a MAC i can video chat with a few of ...well alot of my friends because they use PC but i wanna stay MAC because i love it! So now most of us use SKYPE and its pretty awesome because you can video, call, chat on skype with any type of computer FREE... but what sucks right now is that my Skype is lagging because there is this conversation that has over 760 chats on it so its completely lagging my skype so i cant use it... oh well :P

CUT!!!! <3


So the Other day it was Sarah's Birthday (April 4th) and We went for a lunch thing and after that, Sarah and I went flats shopping! We looked in so many shops and Finally we found a shop! COTTON-ON! The shoes were VERY comfortable and cheap! They were having a  sale. $99 for two flats! it was awesome! But it does look like it could break easily but i have had it for over a week and its still if perfect condition so...yea.

CUT!!!! <3

Monday, April 13, 2009

Dancing! *


So today (April 13th 2009) Sarahlane came to my house to practice for the talent show auditions... sadly we didnt make it though the first Auditions because Abi didnt know the dance so well but its not her fault, we just never had time to reherse through it properly! Anywhos...We are dancing to a song called Lip Gloss by Lil Mama. But its REALLY hard because its a very fast song.. But i like it! Then we went swimming at my place but the water was freezing so we played volley ball there too to warm us up. After that we practice the dance again ... and Her parents came over and yep that was my day today!

CUT!! <3

Paintballing! *


So Yesterday (April 12th 2009) I went paint-balling with a bunch of my friends and i had a blast! I was kind of scared at the start because there was so many rules that if you didn't follow it could lead to severe problems like blindness, Death, and what not. But there are 6 games. The first game is just trying to shoot all the teams. when you get shot it doesn't hurt that much but it still does but the pain goes after a second...:D But they are very strict about this, if you get hit, you better go out! I was on the yellow team, sadly we lost the first game, The Red team won..D: But the second game which was exactly the same as the first game but just changing sides we won! YAY go YELLOW! Then on the third game we had to steal the Red teams Flag ...We didn't get it.. Then we had the flag and they got it...Sadly they won 2 games and we only got one. Then on the 5th game we needed a leader on each team.. i was the leader and on the red team it was... Sheenally i think... And its kind of scary being leader because you have the flag on your head and if the other team shoots you that means your whole team loses the game.. Luckly both teams didnt win that game! The on the LAST game it was the illiminating round and Shiloh had a great plan and we killed the other team like crazy! all of them were out! and we won the illiminating round which meant we won the whole thing! YAY! GO YELLOW
So that was my day! 

CUT! <3