It's been a while since i last blogged, I thought; since I'm skipping school cause I cant walk, I'd take advantage of my time at home to blog. Anyway, so over a week ago we had Sports Day and i pulled a muscle, haha fun :) well we came in 2nd, not bad.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Lucky I'm Inlove With My Bestfriend*
Posted by Michelle* at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Every word feels like a shooting star*
Today, I went to the salon with Sarah to get a new hairstyle! I'll post a picture of it when school starts :) Anyway, Chinese New Year holiday, its passing way too fast! Well, i went shopping with Sarah and i bought a Leather Jacket from H&M, a Scrub from The Body Shop, Oh! and i have an ATM card :) Yep! I watched Valentines Day! It was pretty good but to be honest, it wouldn't be a movie i would go and watch again; it was to predictable but i loved Taylor Swift's character (A dumb blond) she was hilarious.
Posted by Michelle* at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Your so beautiful, I think im gonna fall right in to you*
Haven't blogged in a while :P
Posted by Michelle* at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I'll buy you anything, i'll buy you any ring*
Posted by Michelle* at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Are we an item, boy what are you saying*

Posted by Michelle* at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: GLEE
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Why you so obsessed with me*
Today, i was going to stay home and study for Social Studies ( REALLY BIG TEST ) and I'm really struggling in Socials.. But i went shopping instead.. got home at like 8:30pm and then i realized how much i still need to study and i just started to cry from SO much stress. You see, all the teachers give big tests during the same week, i just dont get it at all. And im leaving on the 12th, this saturday for Canada so im taking all the tests that is suppose to be the week after ..this week and every test is a big one and i think im going to fail. I dont get socials the most. GAY! ugh. i study like hell and then the next day i forget everything because everything is SO similar! the topics are so similar, like all the dynasties, i cant remember every single dynasties beliefs, founders, and how it changed china.. its to fucking damn hard. ( i swear when im really pissed )
the outline is 7 pages long! ahhhhhh
anyway, i decided to take a break from all the studying.. actually thats a lie.. im just going to stop studying for today.. i cant take it anymore.
so today i bought black uggs .. pretty cute :) .. a dark grayish thick cardigan and the hood has fur on it :P a plaided scarf.. umm a new USB haha random.. and i dont rmb the rest..
And yea.. i am really hating school right now.. i swear its like -- stress= grey hair = suicide
there's this guy in my class and in front of the whole class .. Ms West told him to decribe her and he said she is a MASS or Mask MURDERER .. and she was like "huh" and he was like " well, she gives us so much work and is the teacher who has the biggest tests, which causes kids to study their ass off and then they get stressed and stress leads to suicide .. so you are a mask or mass murderer" and now im starting to really agree with him 100%
Posted by Michelle* at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Yesterday (friday) we only had half a day of school, school ended like at 12:15 and so Jason,Ashley, Cliff, Caleb,Mavis,Malcolm and i went to festi to watch 2012 :) it was a pretty good movie, the graphics were good but i spent half the time scared grabing jasons arm lol.. then we ended up crying..(girls) lol
anyway so boaz and john joined us for lunch and then we saw like basically our whole grade at festi.. it was weird.
i want to watch Christmas Carols .. i think thats the name... hahha i dont know...
The dinner on thursday was pretty cool.. found out alot haha XDD
Now, im waiting for episode 9 Season 6 of desperate housewives .. yea... i love watching it and im not really inlove with GLEE! haha
im going to go watch it now
anyway... peace out
been busy making videos.. haha
oh and i might be going to Canada for Christmas.. that is if i get on.. if not.. them im going to the dance :P
Posted by Michelle* at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Why is this happening to me *
Hello. Guess where I am right now .... I'm outside my house sitting on the floor outside the gate because I left my keys at school ughh..I'm waiting for my mum to get here :p ok so since I'm in U20 we have a locker in the bathroom (btw sorry about any typos..I'm using my phone) anyway so I lost my locker key and in went home and found it so I thought I should attach my locker key with the rest of my keys cause I always have my keys.. So today after practice when I was in the taxi I was like .."man imagine if I left all my keys at school" then I checked bag and I couldn't find my keys.. So here I am..sitting outside my house for any other hour.. Ughh I'm starving and I have alot of HWK but I need my computer for it so I can't do it now ahhhhhhhh !! Sucks.. Anyway tomorrow I think there's a bball dinner after the game Mavis,gianne,MT,Adrienne and I are going ,...yahh
Posted by Michelle* at 7:30 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Taylor swift is so funny*
skip straight to 3:05 in this video.. that bit is pretty funny
she sings about joe jonas and taylor lautner ( taylor lautner bit was so sweet) and then kanye
Posted by Michelle* at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
rough times *
Honestly, this is the roughest time i have ever been through. Im not emo or anything but im lonely. Recently i have been sitting alone in the morning, in one class and just .. loosing friends i guess. Today i really couldn't hold it in and i cried during CED class. I honestly cant take it anymore and i'm really looking for someone i can tell all my problems to and will help me get through it and stand up for me. So far i haven't found anyone like that yet.
Also... during basketball after school, i have realized that i try hard and then when someone says some things (coach) like " hustles michelle etc." it really makes me give up fast for some reason.. and i was just not in a good mood with westrate today.. was very pissed at her but oh well .. coaches torture you.. its their job
god damn it.. sorry
i go crazy when im pissed.
Posted by Michelle* at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
its a new beginning*
im currently watching Season 6 Episode 6 of Desperate Housewives. Season 5 is still airing on TV. XD
Anyway so the sleepover at school was really fun! XDD Ms.West went to sleep and the the seniors started to wrestle and it was so funny cause when Risa, Mavis, and i were like telling each other some romantic moments we have experianced.. all of a suddan Gianne popped up in behind us with Adrienne it was funny.. anyway! umm
i got home the next day and slept at 5 pm and woke up at 8 am! i was so surprised! haha
anyway yep
thats it!
buh bye
Posted by Michelle* at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
i miss your arms around me, please come back and love me *
im going to be leaving in an hour to school.. U20 girls sleeping at school tonight so yea.
I now dont mind who reads my blog cause things have spread and ... yeahhh!
Kay so im writing a song about Chris! yes Chris! haha
He told me something before he left and the time we spent together basically inspired me to write a song
ive been writing 4 different songs about it cause everyday i come up with a different song .. and i dont want it to be a sad mellow song i want it to be up beat so i keep changing it! haha yeah
hopefully, im going to be going to a recording studio on the 20th at my dads company.. he works for a TV channel thingy so im going to be going to a professional studio haha. yay XD
obviously im going to have abi come with me for sure!!
she is ma supporta!!
buh bye
Posted by Michelle* at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
friends come and go but true friends last forever*
hey hey
so i have officially stopped using my "Justcallmemichy" account cause i didnt like having so many people from school knowing about it haha.. anyway.. i have a new channel and well i found some really nice people on youtube!! they make me so happy haha! such nice comments but one of them.. its very suspicious.. its like umm.. they're trying to like frame me.. iuno.. meaning like subsribes and favors only my account and their account was made just yesterday ... well it looks like im subscribing my self but im not.. anyway
i just "think" things.. goshh grammar!! haha
ughh i didnt get a single 90% on my report card but i guess 86% as an average is ok haha
Posted by Michelle* at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
You made my day*
Okay, so today we went to watch a movie.. we as in me chris abi and caleb. We watched The Time Traveler's Wife it was pretty good and trust me i enjoyed my time at the cinema.. the people who went know what im talking about .. *wink wink* haha then we met Terence and Jon and they were our "Baby Sitters" haha jkjk
i went to H&M and bought a really cute cardigan and scarf and went to Parsons and bought guitar picks...but i lost one of em.. booo and it was a good one. haha
Before i left.. Chris and i .. we .... ahah nvm. its too personal to talk about on my blog. haha
haha but Caleb and Abi know.. cause they were there but
i can say that i cant stop smiling!!
Posted by Michelle* at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Dreams do come true,even small ones*
I am so happy right now and I can't stop smiling:D
I did a post on 'he said he will make my dream cone true'
well he did today and it was very romantic
I will never forget this day
and I'm really going to miss him
Posted by Michelle* at 8:23 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I promise you*
I have been coming home and doing hw for like 6 hours! its crazy
this week, we have a test everyday.. i definitely failed my SS test..and yea
i surprisingly want to watch BandSlam...and umm ok..
Goshh.. ok so to the review of the movie "The Ugly Truth"
Okay last time i didnt do a review bout it cause.. i was busy
kayy so
i loved how it mixed romance and comedy together even though alot of movies have comedy and romance.. for some reason, this movie really made it i guess :P i have to say that i have seen better but i love this movie haha
yea.. thats it haha
Peace out biatch
CHRIS IS HERE!!!! hha he surprised us sorta.. he came into our SS class! haha
well we're gna hang out with him this week end with his cousin.. hes staying in Sai Kung and i live in/near sai kung so i can go hang out some more.. and next week end we're gonna go to ellys bday .. War game haha
GOSH he is so freakin tall~~ haha
Posted by Michelle* at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Dreams crushed *
Im sick.. so im not at school! i went to the doctor last night at like 10:30 pm and i had to wait so long at the medical center.. so i got back at 1:30am haha but yea.. its k
umm... im having trouble with Nadar's assignments.. TOO MANY
.. right .. so DREAMS CRUSHED
yea.. i guess .. ughh.. nvm im not going to write it on my blog
Posted by Michelle* at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
so here are some pictures Jasmine took during Health class of me and sam...or should i say me and my husband :P haha
but no one really wanted a picture so there a bit funny
Posted by Michelle* at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Listen quietly and you'll hear the waves calling your name*
I got back from the BEACH CAMP and i have to say that im pretty happy to be home :) I finally experienced and discovered the REAL meaning behind HOMESICK. its not only missing your family but missing everything in your house like warm showers and CLEAN TOILETS! you can ask anyone at the camp! I HAVE A DIRTY BATHROOM PHOBIA!! im not kidding!! I DIDNT GO TO THAT BATHROOM THERE.. UGHH! Jacinda said when i saw the bathrooms i looked like i was going to pass out. SERIOUSLY... its crazy
but other then that i had SO much fun taking our lilows (floating bed things) and jumping over waves! haha
On saturday we went to my dads restaurant in mui wo! it was SO YUMMY! haha we got everything free though haha! its an italian restaurant.. my dad goes there like once a month.. he da boss.
anyway.. on our way back.. goshh wat a long way.. abi and i took the bus from the camp to Mui Wo, took the ferry to Central (45 minutes) then took the star ferry to TST and then went to HMV (bought Jordin Sparks CD that came out on July 21st haha) and then went to subway and saw Graizey, Toby, Rebecca, and Kent there.. and yea.. and then i took the MTR to HANG HAU cause my parents where there eating lunch and then in the car back home..SAI KUNG..:) OK! done.
Posted by Michelle* at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Proposal*
I'm watching the proposal right now on my computer ..give u my comments later
Posted by Michelle* at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I Will Forgive You, But Everytime I look At You I Will Always Remember What You Did*
Im pretty excited... tomorrow im going to go watch BandSlam with Abi and then meet Jacinda at TaiWai and go her house for a sleepover then go to camp for few days.. camping on a beach :DD
haha yeap!
peace out suckas:! haha
Posted by Michelle* at 11:29 PM 1 comments
You are the thunder, and i am the lighting. and you hold me close to you
!! YEP !!
I bought Selena Gomez & the scene's album last night! THE DAY IT CAME OUT!
haha! its really good! i love the song naturally alot haha actually i love em all
I bought it on itunes.. only people in america can buy it though.. but i have my ways of buying it haha
i was going to wait to buy and actually hard copy of her album when it comes out in hkg but its like a month away and i cant wait so i decided to buy it on itunes and wait till it comes out in hkg and buy a hard copy! STUPID right but you cant blame me!
i hate youtuber meanies haha
i think im done! going camping tomorrow with abi,jacinda, trent and lance.. but nooo lance wants to go to china haha
:P oh well :D
Posted by Michelle* at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
I gotta a feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good night*
LOVE that song! go watch the music video!
Posted by Michelle* at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Yep... I'm failing in english sadly:( how is that possible !!!!! Well I can't blame myself fully... I mean come on, Scotts our teacher... You get the point :P ughh I'm worried about my report card grade cause today in class he was like some of u are failing and it counts for 25% of ur final grade so I effing started to freak out cause Scott NEVER gives high grades to ANYONE literally NOONE ughh I think ima have to ask for extra credit ...:( I have bball so I get home late partly why I'm failing ughhhhh I wanna scream but it's late :) gosh
Posted by Michelle* at 11:21 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
One More Chance
Heres the link ... to watch it properly!
Posted by Michelle* at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
One Time, You look so deep*
Hey!! so guess what!!! Ok so today after school .. basketball and it was so tiring.. 2 hours of practice.. and the best thing happened to me... i was blocking another player and i jumped up to to grab the ball being passed to her.. and boom... wait for it .. wait for it.. im in the air.. all of a sudden in my mind im thinking.. OMG i pulled something.. is it my hamstring... it really hurts.. no .. i duno. and in the air.. i fell down on the floor.. obviously crying.. a bit.. and couldnt stretch out my leg.. couldnt walk or stand.. so it was hard getting home.. its alot better now... still limping but yeahh.. i think theres a beep test for bball tomorrow.. FUN.. ughh
ANYWAY... yeahh got tortured out there today.. i dont think i've ever sweat so much in my life! :P
Posted by Michelle* at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
When you're falling down, the world starts spinning yeah*
he ya'll!
im trying to use the word "ya'll" as much as i can. haha dont ask me why.. OK! So Shiloh and I are tight friends again! ha just thought i'd mention it... umm OH YEAH today after school, U-20 girls basketball tryouts.
We ran laps, shuttle run, beep test, reach test, jumping test, sit-ups, push ups, shooting, lay ups and finally, to end of with a game. We have another tryout tomorrow.. and on friday. WE NEED TO GET FIT!!! ughh, we're all in very bad shape .
Well im pretty excited for basketball season.. hoping i'll get taller and loose the weight i gained in the US.. ughh i gained 10 pounds people!! AHH haha nightmare. BUT you cant blame me.. food's good there.
Um, im still very mad at Kanye West..
OH and today in english class, we were suppose to come up with a opposite couplet poem.. and i came up with " What's the opposite of hot, Certainly Mr. Scott" and i told him to read it and he laughed and read it to the class and ofcorse the class laughed.. the funny thing is that he said that every single year one person in his class comes up with that. haha its like an unknown tradition.
ANYWAY finally came up with a 2nd verse for my song.
HAHA i cant wait to record the first song... Friday! ummm
What else.. i've be talked into playing FarmVille and now i cant stop.. i wouldn't call it a VERY FUN GAME but once you look at Henzies farm you like die to make your farm look better so you basically cant stop playing.. haha
Posted by Michelle* at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Im not over you*
Hey, So I just bought HONOR SOCIETY'S new album "Fashionably Late" that came out today. It's really good.
I think I'm going to buy Selena Gomez's album "Kiss & Tell" when it comes out in Hong Kong at HMV, cause i like looking at the pictures it comes with... but its going to be forever till it comes out in hong kong... Well all i know is that Demi Lovato's Album Here we Go Again is in HMV now but i dont know when it came out in HKG.. Anyway,,... yeah i'll wait till her album comes out in Hong kong. SEPTEMBER 29th in the US. ughh
Hey so this weekend, Me and the girls are going to go record the song i wrote.. i think David Shurr's going to help us with it.. haha
The song's called " One More Chance"
the other song that im only done with the first verse and Chorus .. i think it'll be called " INSECURE "
hoping for a Typhoon 8 tomorrow again :)
Posted by Michelle* at 7:19 PM 0 comments
GO straight to 0:40
Posted by Michelle* at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
pplease go to
check out her blog, it rocks
Posted by Michelle* at 10:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Great things come in small packages..*
hey! I kept my word.. blogging again.
umm... i bought an iPhone 3GS today.. pretty cool
and um... yeahhhh.. thats about it..
I still find it awkward ... walking from class to class and not seeing late years seniors.. guess we were all so use to them! Atleast we get to see one of them every friday! haha
ughhh... i miss last year so much!
okhayyy! enough complaining!
Posted by Michelle* at 9:31 PM 2 comments
To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail.*
Morning! haha. heyy. So this week has been a hard week...
- i had a stomach flu.. so i had to eat plain food like plain bread, plain rice for a whole 2 days and the medicine was just nasty. Its easy to eat plain food when you are tempted by your friends who you eat lunch with ... junk food... haha
-CED.. Nadar has been giving us quite a bit of work..
-took my SOCIALS test yesterday .. had to memorize the 47 countries in Asia and like 12 islands and plot it on a map.. exactly where it goes.. or else its wrong.. ... got the results.. and YAY... 100%... haha nerd..
-I've been dying to watch more season of desperate housewives but i just don't have time coming home everyday at like 8, 9, or 10 pm..
-FOREVER 21 is in Sha Tin Plaza ?!??! is it true?
-went to the soccer game.. woot? it was 1 to 1
-I'm suppose to be on my way to a basketball meet thingy.. professional people coach us.. (people who coach NBA etc.) but i don't want to cause I'm going out today.. :"( ?
-WOW! So Selena Gomez went to Africa with her dad because they're sponsoring UNICEF... and more... She is so amazing!
- Next week RELOADERS are going as people in the 70's bowling! haha
- i don't know if this is true or not.. and i don't know if this is old new or not.. sorry if i offend any one.. but.. i heard from Sarah that Lady Gaga's a man?.. i don't know.. i personally LOVE lady Gaga haha! "She Da Bomb" (Quote from Westrate..)
Anyway.. i think thats about it.. i MIGHT be posting another one tonight... :P
Posted by Michelle* at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
well i just got my skate board.. now i have 3 and 4 including the ripstik.. aiya..
im not sure if i want this skate board... its very SICK but i dont think i need it haha i love it i want it but yea...
well my dad is puting the skateboard together now so... maybe im going to sell it.. :) fully made.. haha never used..
i bought the skateboard... from like $1500 and its really good quality and you can never get such a good one in hong kong
so if you guys know anyone interested in buy my skateboard ( NEW) let me know
obviously it WONT BE $1500 when i sell it to you but yea!
and i have 1034895733456789 cinnamon hearts and cinnamon chewys !! i like the chewys
so im giving a bag of cinnamon hearts to Laforest.. he loves em soo might as well give it to him!
yea.. thats about it
Posted by Michelle* at 11:04 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Music sensation.*
I just got back from Abi's house.. Her brother.. David Shurr is one of the most committed people to music! It's so Inspiring! He wakes up and starts playing his guitar and singing.. today he was singing Thunder by Boyslikegirls.. WOOT!
anyway.. Abi's joining me in like.. well in a few weeks im planning on going to a recording studio to record a song i wrote but i need help at .. well .. a few parts so abi.. learnt my song and she's amazing...and Elly is playing the piano in my song.. hopefully if it sounds all good together.. it'll be good but if not.. we might have to just remove the piano part and have elly sing.. but yea..
So today when i was rehearsing with abi.. I came up with a new song.. :) HAHA.. well just the Chorus :)
i looked back on a few songs i wrote a few years ago.. hilarious! im probably going to post up a video of us rehearsing of something.. i dont know.. im really busy and its hard..
- Need to memorize all the countries in Asia by friday and plot them down exactly where it is on a map..
-Learned alot of new things from Mr. Shurr on the guitar..
-Abi got me into a thing on youtube where they make a story .. its like reading a book .. so i started a channel and im making a video right now.. im just taking a break cause i havnt posted anything up in a while.. " FearfulLove "
-Im U-14 girls soccer team Manager because im too "OLD" to be on the team.. goshh by a few weeks..
-Westrate wants me to join U20 soccer in the spring after she saw me play... but im not allowed to.. i have my reasons.... its got to do with getting fat legs.. if you do..hhaa :PP
-trying to figure out whether to get a new Electric Acoustic guitar or and iPhone 3GS... help me!
-Selling my Ipod Touch for $200 if i get the iphone 3GS..
umm thats about it
Posted by Michelle* at 11:40 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
School is Cool? *
haha :) so i just got back from the first day of G8. I can't say i love it.. ... lunch is longer..umm yea thats about it.
thats about it.. HAHA
im going to watch all new episode of Desperate Housewives.. my dad's got the whole series.. so im watching it all
the series where EDEE (Duno how to spell her name) dies.. okay
so i've like wat... 15 more episodes to go.. and hour for each episode. Yay!
Posted by Michelle* at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Time Flies *
So, School is starting tomorrow. I just got back from the States 2 nights ago... Hence I'm not too exhilarated about going to school. I'm still quite Jet-lagged ( Slept around 6pm-3am ). I was suppose to go for an exam yesterday to see if i have an opportunity to obtain Honors class but since i have had only 1 day to study, my dad was able to postpone my exam to next monday! I'm currently having to study Math Power eight for the exam. I haven't leant half of what's in the book so I'm pretty much learning everything in the book in a weeks time. Oh well.
-Im watching Little Britain and it's Hilarious.
-I had a nice cup of coffee this morning ( its true.. once you drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee... you will get addicted)
-I just finished 3 Scrapbook pages which took quite some time.
-Practicing my song on the guitar. Sounds pretty rough but i'm getting there. ( Grasp that i have had no experience before )
-Finally got everything unpacked from my luggage. ( i brought back two big suitcase's back from the States.. Literally weighs more then i do)
-Put on 10 pounds in the states, So it's kind of good school's starting.. I'll loose weight. (I remember last year i put on 10 pounds in the States again and i got back to Hong kong and a week later i went to Sarah's place and for some reason we were weighing ourselves and i had lost 10 pounds in 1 week. back to 80 pounds) but that was last year:"(
-Sarah don't worry.. my waist line.. same as yours.. :P PS: Best wishes to your mum and the baby!!!
-Abi, found your charger at my place :) I'll give it to you tomorrow
- Elly, Sorry i forgot to call you back but had an awesome time talking to you! missed it!
I think I'm going to scrapbook a little more, I've got 80 more photos to go. *sniff*
Posted by Michelle* at 4:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Doing nothing is very hard to do ... you never know when you're finished.*
Okay. Sorry about the last post. Went a bit over board with emo-ness... Oh who am i kidding.. Went WAY over board. :P
Anyway.. I was jamming with abi today at her place.. I put the song i wrote onto guitar and we were jamming together.. really fun. Right now.. i lost my guitar pic... so i cant strum with my fingers.. it hurts..soo.. yeah
anyway.. i wanted to post some pictures before i left Chicago but i wanted to go out then blog.. ( no offense to blogspot)
So i bought a few hair products... i've got more but it was all packed so here are some.. that wearnt packed yet..
and the night before i left , we went to Chille's for dinner and it was great! yea.. Portion of food was big..
i really enjoyed the food.. i had a.. Bacon burger ( which i could not finish) and Texas Cheese fries ( which again.. could not finish)
can you believe that this is Kristen!!!
eww.. haha. listen to this... Its Justin Bieber.. he's really good..he's 15. are the rest of the pictures..
but wait.. i just feel like writing about one of my major pet peeves.. i hate it when people talk about sizes of houses.. like..your house is so small or mine is biger etc.. it just bugs me! i get offended easily when people compare my house to somebody else..
anyway! here are the rest of the pictures..
Posted by Michelle* at 8:10 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
effing nightmare.*
okay.. so i landed in hk last night.. when i walked out of the air was so damn humid.. i was sticky!! DISCUSTING.
anyway... i got home and everything looked tiny... cause in america... everythings big.. so my house looked so small.. i miss america so i slept at like 7 pm last night.. jetlagged.. and woke up at like 4 am and now im just on the computer.. left out feeling..
today.. i have to spend my day effing studying for a dang math exam tomorrow..
when i grow up.. im definitely not living in hong kong..
i hate this country like hell
i cant help but cry everytime i think about america..
i rmb before i left my cousin gave me a kiss and told me come back next year.. i love you!
and then on the phone again
and... there's like nothing to watch on tv here. everytime i turn on the tv in the US theres something to watch.
i effing hate hong kong..
this is a pretty emo picture im going to post up but im in a pretty emo mood so ...yea
Posted by Michelle* at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hell's coming soon.*
So right now.. im kind of :/ about going to school. Im pretty happy because the people who said they're leaving arnt and now its awesome cause they're still here ( --> Sarah) <3 youu!
--> sarah! did you meet Erica and Tamara? They're in HK.
umm.. the only negative thing about school right now...waking up early in the morning and exams.
So now im just hoping im in the same class as Abi, Sarah, and... you know what.. EVERYONE!
... i dont know what to say about school... but...uhh..hmm
SENIORS!! going to be awesome! We pretty much know all of them...
last years SENIORS were awesome.. Fashionable..
This years SENIORS ...Sporty
iuno.. panicing ..
ok! Lets talk about Discovery Days..( sry.. i dont know what to say) umm
hoping to go out of the country.. maybe Philippines... Yeah... probably.. (If Philippines are one of the options..)
ughhh im SO SHORT! I remember in Grade 6 when Abi was like a whole head shorter then me and in G7 she just shot up! Same height..
Im sorry.. This post is so lifeless.
Sarah!! umm im not sure if im going to Bath & Body works before i leave but i'll try.. So all Vanilla right? (not sure if they have it but yeah.. i'll try! ) ps.. 1 bottle of lotion.. $80 hk :) not bad.. smells so good! so.. 1 hand cream...3 bottles of lotion.. and i forgot the last one.
love you!
Im going to miss 08-09's Seniors.. alot of us looked up to them for their.. style..( i think) This year .. its going to be different ( a good different) but... yeah
... This Post is pointless...
Posted by Michelle* at 11:07 PM 3 comments